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O IberCup São Paulo 2024 está a todo vapor e nossos ingressos já estão a venda no site.

Aproveite os nossos lotes antecipados e tenha o benefício de acompanhar todos os jogos com um valor acessível e viver esse incrível evento!

Confira os valores:

LOTE 1 - Ingressos online até o dia 07 de Julho de 2024
Semanal Inteira: R$ 800,00 
Semanal Meia: R$ 400,00 
Semanal Promocional Lote 1: R$ 280,00
Diário Inteira: R$ 420,00 
Diário Meia: R$ 210,00 
Diário Promocional Lote 1: R$ 140,00

LOTE 2 - Ingressos online de 08 a 21 de Julho de 2024
Semanal Inteira: R$ 800,00 
Semanal Meia: R$ 400,00 
Semanal Promocional Lote 1: R$ 320,00
Diário Inteira: R$ 420,00 
Diário Meia: R$ 210,00 
Diário Promocional Lote 1: R$ 160,00

Ingressos online após 22 de Julho de 2024
Semanal Inteira: R$ 800,00 
Semanal Meia: R$ 400,00 
Diário Inteira: R$ 420,00 
Diário Meia: R$ 210,00 


- O ingresso é pessoal e  intransferível. 

- Crianças até 05 anos e idosos a partir de 60 anos são isentos, basta se apresentar a bilheteria do evento e apresentar o documento original com foto (RG ou Passaporte). 

- O lote promocional liberado para quem compra antecipado é válido para todos e não tem opção de meia entrada. A meia entrada só é valida no valor normal do ingresso.


Lembramos que durante o evento não é permito a entrada com alimentos e bebidas, exceto, frutas e barras de cereal, e não é permitido o consumo de bebida alcóolica.

Troca de Ingressos


Nos dias 23 e 24 de Julho, realize a troca do seu voucher, gerado no momento da compra online.

Dirija-se a CEPE USP, efetue a troca e garanta o seu acesso ao IberCup São Paulo.


Horário de atendimento: 09 às 12h.

Os torneios de verão chegaram ao fim. Após três semanas de jogos nas localidades de Costa del Sol, Estoril e Barcelona chegou a hora de atravessar o Atlântico e trocar os fatos de banho para as roupas de frio. Destino? São Paulo, mais conhecido também como terra da garoa. 

A maior cidade brasileira receberá nos próximos dias 24 a 29 de Julho a etapa Preliminary Cup. Serão mais de 180 equipes disputando as sete categorias diferentes. Sendo uma delas exclusivamente de meninas (Sub-12). Todas as partidas serão realizadas nos 12 campos disponíveis dentro do Centro de Práticas Esportivas da Universidade de São Paulo (CEPEUSP).

Os vencedores dos Playoffs Ouro e Prata garantem vaga e condições especiais nas etapas Qualifiers Cup. E os do Playoff Bronze ganham para outros torneios IberCup (veja o regulamento).

Para não perder nenhum detalhe durante o campeonato, confira o as estatísticas, tempo real, rankings dos jogadores e treinadores através do site e das redes sociais.  

- Onde fica o CEPEUSP?

Redes Sociais

1# How many years have you been a coach? And this team?
I've been a football coach for 12 years, being 2 years in Corinthians and 6 months with the 2012 category.

2# Why did you choose to be a football coach? Why youth football?
I played ball in childhood and followed the dream through my studies, becoming a Physical Education teacher. I have no preference by category, I believe in the potential of all ages.

3# What is your biggest dream as a coach?
As a coach I would have more than one dream. But one of them would be to be able to provide learning and teachings, in the formation of children making dreams and joys come true, also reaching young people and even adults and one day become a professional coach.

4# What is more difficult for you: to educate the players or the parents? Why is that?
The focus on education will always be the children, showing them social-emotional issues beyond the 4 lines. For the parents we show good attitudes with the examples of the children themselves and feedbacks periodically. I really like a sentence by our idol Ayrton Senna:

"If we want to change something, it's for the children that we should start. We must respect and educate our children so that the future of nations and the planet is worthy".

5# How important is it for you to reconcile studies with training? Does your club help athletes in any way?
The importance of studies is sure to always seek new learning and knowledge, because it is rewarding for our athletes, students, children and teenagers to have the pleasure to learn new things and with that share knowledge and ideas with everyone as a way to expand new concepts of studies and trainings. I can speak for my department, where the incentive to study is given by strategic actions such as analyzing school report cards, school media calls, etc.

6# Which professional athlete would you like to introduce to your players? What is the reason?
I would like to present Ronaldo "Fenômeno" for the reasons:
- Successful career;
- History of injuries and their recovery;
- Featured in the Brazilian national team;
- Athlete Corinthians.

7# What do you think about competitive cadres in the younger categories in Brazil? What would change?
I believe in the potential of the competition as a form of learning for social issues and future sports issues. I would change the issue of charging by making it a little less excessive.

8# How did you discover IberCup and in how many editions did you participate?
I've known it for many years through social media, but my participation took place in 2018 and 2019.

9# What did you like the most during the tournaments and what do you think we can improve?
The tournament was excellent but I leave the suggestion to try to make the interval between games in the categories a bit longer.

10# Do you consider it a useful experience for young athletes to travel abroad and play against teams from all over the world?
Enriching experiences, as we will get to know places, people and their cultures also linked to sports and education.

11# What would you say to a coach who wants to come to IberCup?
I would say to enjoy every moment, create new professional bonds and friendships, strengthening the sport, the championship and the children.

12# Which IberCup tournament did you like the most? Why did you like it the most?
The two editions were incredible, but the 2019 has a special "flavor", because I was able to become a champion!

13# What is the expectation for the next years in IberCup?
Very big expectation, because we will always live great moments with friends and athletes, making each tournament special and unforgettable!

Get to know some of the teams that will be with us from the 24th to the 29th of July:

Cat A 2010 - Supersport United FC, Grêmio FBPA, EF Super Campeones (BOL)
Cat B 2009 - Escuela Lanus (PER), Corinthians, Grêmio FBPA
Cat C 2008 -  Aliança EF, Futsoccer, Athletico-PR, PSG Academy SP
Cat D 2007 - Flamengo, Futsoccer, Yokohama F. Marinos (JAP), Grêmio FBPA

...and more. Check all teams on: Teams 2019